Rafting in Briançon, Serre Chevalier

A rafting solution for everyone !


Navigate with your team on an inflatable boat specially developed for whitewater sports for everyone. The collective force adds up to the experience of the guide for you to enjoy the many river sections with family, friends, colleagues, or for bachelor/ette party.


A competent and certified rafting instructor is permanently on the boat to guide you for an optimal safety: children from 5 years old (depending on the sections and paddler experience), without any age limit.


Contact us for further information and/or to help you decide.


rafting briançon
Le rafting à Briançon avec Rafiki

Family raft journey

Forville - Prelles (2/4 difficulty-class II/III- rapids 8/9km)


This descent is ideal for all groups of beginners wishing to discover whitewater Rafting with the entire family or among friends: adapted to children from 5 years old, without any age limit!


We will navigate the Guisane and then the Durance rivers, from Forville above Briançon down to our base in Prelles, on rapid sections of class II/III. During this half-day trip, we will share our experience and knowledge on the environment, the history, and the understanding of our region’s rivers. We will also organize a small river-side snack with roasted marshmallows and drinks.


To fully enjoy navigating on whitewater rivers for all, a qualified and certified instructor will always accompany you on the Raft. You will be participating in many activities and surprises to understand the river and its surroundings and even try out swimming in the current: the perfect way to turn this first trip into memories for the whole family!


rafting débutant à briançon serre chevalier


Niveau facile à peu difficile

parcours rafting briançon serre chevalier


Demi journée

rafting raft eau sport briançon serre chevalier


45 €/pers.

rafting serre chevalier
Rafting famille à Briançon

Sport raft journey

Chantemerle-Briançon (4/4 difficulty-class II/III/IV rapids-10km)


This intense descent is perfect for experienced paddlers wishing to discover a technical and active approach of whitewater Rafting: adapted to children from 16 years old, without any age limit!


Embarking from Chantemerle and sailing down to Briançon, discover the most beautiful aquatic landscapes of Serre Chevalier Vallée: The Lower Guisane and its class II/III/IV rapids. During this half-day trip, we will navigate on technical and active sections to fill up with thrills and adrenalin: develop your team spirit during a descent in which mutual aid and coordination are the key words. We will share our skills and knowledge on the most secret aspects of the river and its surroundings.


Discover whitewater Rafting and channel your efforts for the descent with a qualified and certified instructor who will always accompany you on the Raft ensuring your safety at all times. You will be participating in many on- and off-board activities such as whitewater rapid swimming, river interpretation and adaptation to its risks and environment: take up the Guisane challenge!


rafting débutant à briançon serre chevalier


Niveau difficile

parcours rafting briançon serre chevalier


Demi journée

rafting raft eau sport briançon serre chevalier


55 €/pers.

rafting serre chevalier
Rafting "sensation" à Briançon

What is needed for your rafting journey ?


We ask you to arrive to our base with your swimsuit already on: every second saved on the shore in one more spent on the river! Also anticipate the after-rafting life and bring your own towels and dry clothes to put on once back to our base in Prelles. Also bring a pair of water-adapted shoes (« closed » ones, not flappers) to put them during the descent: if you do not have any, we can lend you some. Should you need them, bring some sunscreen lotion, and you may bring your phone (placed in waterproof barrels we provide) during the journey to take some pictures and/or videos.


For safety and sanitary measures, we also ask you to bring your own mask: you will be asked to leave it on during the equipment phase and the shuttle time, and we will put them in individual bags placed in our waterproof barrels to be able to give them back to you after the descent.


In Short :


  • Swimsuit on
  • Towel and dry clothes
  • Water-adapted shoes
  • Sunscreen lotion and a telephone
rafting sportif briançon
Parcours rafting à Briançon

What is included in your rafting journey ?


In terms of equipment, we supply the entire outfit needed for the activity: our equipment complies with the applicable standards and in state-of-the-art condition. Our life jackets comply with the following norms: ISO 12402-5 or NF EN 393 and/or ISO 12402-4 or NF EN 395, in accordance with the applicable standards. Our protective helmets comply with the following norm: NF EN 1385, in accordance with the applicable standards. We also ask you to bring (or we will provide you if need be) closed shoes fitting your shoe size. Finally, we also provide complete thermal protective clothing adapted to local conditions: the entire attire is made of neoprene or equivalent, and includes a full Long John wetsuit, neoprene socks, long-sleeved vest and/or waterproof windbreaker. Of course, the paddle is also included. These pieces of equipment are systematically cleaned and disinfected after every use with products also complying the applicable standards.


In addition to the equipment, we also take care of the transportation from our meeting point at our base in Prelles and shuttle up to the embarkment spot to the river.


In short :

  • Life Jacket

  • Protective Helmet

  • Thermal protective clothing

  • Paddle

  • Shuttle transportation services